The Ideal Human Figure?
This page provides a look at the ideal human figure tracing the visual development of the body image in art from Ancient art to the Renaissance.

The Venus of Willendorf, ancient stone sculpture, c. 30,000 B.C.E.,
43/8 inches (11.1 cm) high, Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna
Click on the image above for a link to a great web page:
Women in Prehistory - The Venus of Willendorf by Christopher Witcombe

Venus de Milo, Classical Greek sculpture, c. 150 B.C.E.

Myron's Discus Thrower, marble,
Roman copy of the Classical Greek sculpture, c. 400 B.C.E.

Leonardo da Vinci, Study of Human Proportions according to Vitruvius.
c. 1485-90. Pen and Ink, 13X10". Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
Here we see Leonardo's interest in applying mathematics to proportional scaling in human anatomy. He positioned the male figure inside a square and a circle. His man's height is equal to the length of the outstretched arms. The groin is at the center of the square. The navel is at the center of the circle.
Recommended External Links
The Figure-drawing Lab
Human Body Proportions using the head as a unit of measure
Ralph Larmann, University of Evansville.
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